Tactile interactive installation, 2022

Detail image of tiles with BODIE:S relief

The interactive installation BODIE:S was inspired by the illustration every body welcome, where the hand-drawing of 4800 pictograms, aimed to showcase how effortlessly a diversity of body representations could be generated on public toilet signs, thus rendering the conventional depiction obsolete. In collaboration with Paracetamol Collective an interactive version of this concept was created, allowing anyone to draw a sticker with a unique body representation by pulling the installation’s handle and with that spreading diversity in public spaces.

A central aspect was to open the discourse to as many people as possible. Recognizing that for people with visual impairments, the concept of diversity may not translate as effectively through flat prints, tiles with body reliefs were created to allow for a tactile experience. Various types of clays were used, mixed, and covered solely in a transparent glaze, mirroring the range of body types and identities among humans.

Full image of interactive installationDoor of public restroom decorated with many BODIES:S stickers

Presenting the work during an art festival was a rewarding experience, as it provided a platform for sharing and discussing opinions, concerns, and potential solutions regarding the labeling of public restrooms. The purpose of BODIE:S was to encourage dialogue surrounding the representation of diverse bodies and identities in public spaces and how approaching this in a new way can foster a more inclusive community.

Concept and Design
Lisa Caligagan, Paracetamol Collective
Hosting Institute
Institute of Women's and Gender Studies, JKU Linz
Interaction Design
Johannes Traun, Paracetamol Collective
Lisa Caligagan
Jürgen Haghofer, Paracetamol Collective
Mariano Margarit C.